Make Food Matter

Make Food Matter: for young people aged 4–17yrs

Track Your Food Footprint activity pack

Asto-nosh-ing Food Fact: At least one-third of all edible food produced globally is never eaten – enough food to feed 2 billion people! That’s just over a quarter of the world’s population.

This fun and easy activity will help you engage younger people with the issues around edible food that’s chucked in the bin and learn about the impact this has on our wonderful planet and our communities.

You’ll then be able to use the resources to help your young people to learn some simple actions they can take at home to save their food and see how easy it is to help protect our planet.

Everything you need to run this two-week activity is in this pack including the Food Diary (Week One) and Food Saver Diary (Week Two) templates and a Group leaders’ activity guidance.

By the end of this activity young people will have:

1. started to build a healthy and sustainable relationship with food and developed some good food habits.
2. begun to explore how to take personal responsibility for reducing their impact on the environment.
3. developed their team working, problem solving and creativity skills.

Suitable for all ages: some supervision will be required for some or all parts of this activity depending on the age of the young people taking part.