Advent Day 18

Greetings cards and envelopes can be recycled too!

If you're lucky enough to receive Christmas cards from your friends and family, then you'll be pleased to know that the envelopes can be recycled right away.  Just pop them straight into your recycling bin and get on with the fun job of putting your cards on display!

But don't forget that when you take your cards down from display after Christmas that they can be recycled too, you just need to tear off any bits of glitter and stickers before you pop them into your recycling bin.

Alternatively, you could try repurposing your more sparkly cards into gift tags ready for next Christmas or even a bookmark.  Check out this blog from Twinkl to learn 10 crafty ways to reuse Christmas cards.

Some of the items commonly missed from the recycling bin over Christmas
Don't get on the naughty list by putting these things in your recycling bin.
Find out what can go into your kerbside recycling bin