What is Carbon Emissions Tax?

carbon emissions

What is Carbon Emissions Tax?

Carbon Emissions Tax is a measure that imposes a tax charge on businesses for each tonne of carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted above the set allowance (£50/tCO2r per tonne emitted).


The Carbon Emissions Tax - Holding Businesses Accountable

The intention of the carbon tax is to discourage businesses' from operating with excessive carbon footprints, and instead encourage a transition to more sustainable alternatives to each play our part in the climate crisis.


What are the benefits of the Carbon Emissions Tax?

  • It places emphasis on making a change toward sustainable alternatives
  • It holds businesses with the highest levels of carbon emissions accountable
  • It provides a foundation to develop your green credentials and demonstrate sustainability practices to your customers
  • It raises crucial funding that can be utilised to offset the effects of climate change.


Play Your Part in Carbon Reduction

As important as reducing your carbon footprint is, we understand that there are other factors that businesses and manufacturers need to consider. You have to make sure that an efficient output is maintained, all the different rules and regulations are adhered to, and most importantly that everything balances out financially.

When thinking about the Carbon Emissions Tax, it could be tempting to simply factor it in as an outgoing, as this could seem more cost-effective than implementing new carbon-saving solutions. But the damage this could do in terms of your green credentials, and the public perception of your business in an increasingly environmentally-conscious market could have more costly consequences.


Carbon emissions smoke from chimney


How to Tackle the Carbon Emissions Tax

As a business it's important o reduce your carbon footprint in all areas possible. You need to formulate a carbon reduction strategy that works for your business, taking into account all factors. Looking at real data is a perfect first step towards achieving this, which is where Veolia will start. We can make sure that you know exactly what's going on in your business in terms of carbon emissions, and advise you on where you need to be in order to avoid getting stung by the Carbon Emissions Tax.

Once we have decided on a cost-effective strategy and the solutions that your business needs to implement, we can project manage the design, build, and commissioning of these solutions. They could include integrating renewable energy into your energy mix or implementing a more efficient waste management system. Developing a multi-faceted energy mix is a particularly good step to take towards achieving a carbon-neutral energy supply.

The strategies we help you to implement will also benefit your business in terms of preparing for BREFs (Best Available Techniques reference documents), which will be used by regulators when evaluating emission and consumption levels. With Net-Zero a hot topic both in terms of legislation and public discourse now is the time to make sure your business is prepared.

Find out how you can better understand where and when your business is using energy.


Find out more about how we can help your business handle the Carbon Emissions Tax.
Our experts are always on hand to deal with your request.