Identifying cost savings for Dwr Cymru
Welsh Water through improved plant optimisation
Welsh Water is the sixth largest of the ten regulated water and sewerage companies in England and Wales and is responsible for providing over three million people with a continuous, high quality supply of drinking water and for taking away, treating and properly disposing of the wastewater that is produced.
The challenge
Dwr Cymru Welsh Water are fully committed to delivering best quality service at least possible cost to keep the taps running for 110,000 people in Herefordshire. To meet the demands of the population in the area, the water company challenged Veolia to identify and achieve cost savings throughout the plant by optimising energy, chemical and water losses around the site.
The solution
Veolia’s optimisation services team worked in collaboration with Dwr Cymru’s operational staff to deliver the entire scope of
the optimisation:
Performance modelling:
- Data collection and performance modelling using PEARL software.
- Benchmarking to support business case development.
Trials and monitoring:
- On-site optimisation trials and data collection.
- Performance monitoring throughout optimisation process to ensure the quality of treatment is not compromised.
Engagement and communication:
- Engaging operators, process and site managers to ensure long-term sustainable optimisation.
- Site visits and continuous communication with all staff at Dwr Cymru.
Value delivered
Veolia’s ability to benchmark performance and engage effectively with front line operations personnel, Dwr Cymru Welsh Water was able to make efficiency savings in water, energy and chemical use.
Do you have a challenge similar to Dwr Cymru Welsh Water?