How to Transition your Business to a Circular Economy

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How to Transition your Business to a Circular Economy: a guide

Traditionally, our resources have been produced, used and then discarded. This linear system could never keep pace with the demand of an ever-growing population, meaning that preserving our resources and improving our resilience is now more important than ever before in achieving an Ecological Transformation.

A circular economy is based on both the open and closed-loop principle, where end-of-life resources are transformed back into new ones. This can range from industrial waste water to plastics and paper, to energy production.


Wondering how you can apply a closed-loop approach to your business?


Our circular economy guide introduces all elements of the circular economy and its importance in businesses. In this guide you can learn:

  • What is a circular economy?
  • Why is a circular economy important?
  • What are the benefits of a circular economy and how can it work for your business?
  • How can Veolia help and what makes us credible.

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