

Reduce decontamination costs
and health & safety risks with Spiderjet

Working at height to clean vessels presents a risk for your operators. Our robotic system ensures health and safety is carefully controlled at all times. It also removes the need for expensive scaffolding, so you can save on surface preparation and decontamination costs.

How we can help

Veolia’s ultra-high pressure (UHP) Spiderjet system uses the latest water jetting technology to remove coatings and contamination from vessel surfaces. It’s a fast and efficient system with agile handling and manoeuvrability, and a highly productive cleaning rate.

The technology significantly reduces waste volumes compared to traditional blasting methods. What’s more, it contains all airborne particles through the vacuum process. This makes it particularly suitable for coatings that contain hazardous materials.

UHP Spiderjet has also received the 2017 ROSPA Gold Safety Award for Occupational Safety and Health, and the 2014 Queen’s Award for Enterprise in Sustainable Development.

How do we create value for you?

Our preparation technology returns vessel surfaces to their original profile (SA1 and SA3) to ensure your solution achieves full compliance. By separating the washings, it also minimises the amount of waste that is sent for disposal. This makes the system even more attractive by reducing waste costs and the impact that your organisation has on the environment.

  • Eliminates scaffolding costs
  • Removes the cost of disposing of abrasive media from blasting applications
  • Eliminates injury risks by automating water jetting or abrasive blasting
  • Speeds up project timescales with a rapid cleaning rate of 30m 2 per hour
  • Dries surfaces instantly so they can be repainted immediately with no risk of flash rusting


Removes the cost of disposing of abrasive media from blasting applications


Eliminates injury risks by automating water jetting or abrasive blasting

Speeds up project timescales with a rapid cleaning rate of 30m 2 per hour