Scottish Government: Deposit Return Scheme update

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Scottish Government: Deposit Return Scheme update

The Scottish Government has confirmed that the Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) is now to be implemented on 1st March 2024, rather than the intended date of 16th August 2023. The delay was announced with additional information regarding changes to the scheme. 

Scottish First minister, Humza Yousaf said, when outlining his programme of government to the Scottish Parliament, that the extra seven months would give smaller firms time to prepare. This was later followed by a statement from the Circular Economy Minister, Lorna Slater who announced the following changes to the scheme:

  • Drinks containers of under 100ml will be excluded, removing miniatures and other smaller containers from the scheme
  • Products that sell fewer than 5,000 units per year will be excluded, which will particularly benefit craft producers
  • All hospitality premises that sell the large majority of their drinks products for consumption on the premises will be exempt from acting as a return point
  • The online application process for retailers to apply for an exemption from providing a return point has been simplified
  • Drinks producers will have until 12 January 2024 to register for the scheme

In the meantime, the Scottish Government still awaits a decision on their application for an exemption for DRS under the UK Internal Market Act.